
2024-2025 Webinar Series

All seminars are on Fridays from 1:00-2:00pm ET.

Send an email to clef@uwaterloo.ca with “CLEF webinar” in the subject line if you would like to receive reminders and Zoom links to the webinars.

September 20M. Antonella Mancino (Wilfrid Laurier University)“Signaling Worker Quality in a Developing Country: Lessons From a Certification Program”
October 25Raffaele Saggio (University of British Columbia)“Why Do Union Jobs Pay More? Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee Data”
November 29Jean-William P. Laliberté (University of Calgary)“Parental Income in the Labor Market”
December 13Fernando Saltiel (McGill University)“The Impact of Government Grants in College Savings Accounts: Evidence from the Canada Learning Bond”
January 24Catherine Michaud-Leclerc (Laval University)“The Long-Term Effects of School Quality in Low-Income Countries: Evidence From 15 Years of Data”
February 14João Galindo da Fonseca (University of Montreal)“Identifying Labor Market Power: A Quasi Experimental Approach”
March 14Justin Wiltshire (University of Victoria)“”The Impact of Walmart’s Growth on the U.S. Social Safety Net”
April 11Kourtney Koebel (INSEAD and University of Toronto)“The Impact of the Tax and Transfer System on the Gender Wage Gap in Canada and the United States”