All working papers are also available for download from our RePEc page.
WP #85 Workers’ Task and Employer Mobility over the Business Cycle Carlos Carrillo-Tudela, Fraser Summerfield and Ludo Visschers
WP #84 Peer Effects at Work on Parental Leave: Why is Papa Not More Involved? Yaya Diallo and Fabian Lange
WP #83 Learning in Creative Tasks: Evidence from a Digital Platform Jiatong Zhong (University of Alberta)
WP #82 Pay Gaps and Outside Wages: The U.S. Gender Wage Gap 1980-2010 Chris Bidner and Ben Sand
WP #81 Conspicuous Consumption and Visible Inequality Ana Ferrer, Francisco Gonzalez, and Iuliia Nesterova
WP #80 Fissured Firms and Worker Outcomes Guido Matias Cortes, Diego Dabed, Ana Oliveira, and Anna Salomons
WP #79 The Long Shadow of Bullying: Career Consequences for an American Cohort Fraser Summerfield
WP #78 Labour Force Transitions Rui Castro, Fabian Lange, and Markus Poschke
WP #77 Can Paternity Leave Reduce the Gender Earnings Gap? Yaya Diallo, Fabian Lange, and Laetitia Renée
WP #76 The Effect of an Unconditional Government Income Transfer on the Labour Supply of Low-Income Workers Kourtney Koebel and Dionne Pohler
WP #75 Fertility Incentives in Canada: A Cohort Analysis Siha Lee and Sitian Liu
WP #74 The Potential of Canada’s International Education Strategy: Evidence from the “MIT of the North” Joel Blit, Mikal Skuterud, and Ruiwen Zhang
WP #73 A Welfare Analysis of Universal Childcare: Lessons From a Canadian Reform Sébastien Montpetit, Pierre-Loup Beauregard and Luisa Carrer
WP #72 Skill-Biased Technological Change, Training, and the College Wage Premium: A Quantitative Evaluation Thomas Palmer
WP #71 Two-Sided Sorting of Workers and Firms: Implications for Spatial Inequality and Welfare Guangbin Hong
WP #70 Does Immigration Help Alleviate Economy-Wide Labour Shortages? Pierre Fortin (French version)
WP #69 Signaling Worker Quality in a Developing Country: Lessons from a Certification Program M. Antonella Mancino, Leonardo Fabio Morales, and Diego F. Salazar
WP #68 The Life-Cycle Dynamics of Wealth Mobility Richard Audoly, Rory McGee, Sergio Ocampo, and Gonzalo Paz-Pardo
WP #67 The Impact of Unions on Wages in the Public Sector: Evidence from Higher Education Michael Baker, Yosh Halberstam, Kory Kroft, Alexandre Mas, and Derek Messacar
WP #66 Non-Monotonic Employment Effects by Market Structure and Minimum Wage Level Kevin Devereux and Zuzanna Studnicka
WP #65 The Impact of Comprehensive Student Support on Crime Adam Lavecchia, Philip Oreopoulos, and Noah Spencer
WP #64 Do Opportunities for Low-Income Students at Top Colleges Promote Academic Success? Evidence from Colombia’s Ser Pilo Paga Program Jeffrey Penney, Steven F. Lehrer, Gloria L. Bernal, and Luis Carlos Reyes
WP #63 The Effect of Reducing Welfare Access on Employment, Health and Children’s Long-Run Outcomes Jeffrey Hicks, Gaëlle Simard-Duplain, David A. Green, and William Warburton
WP #62 Graying and Staying on the Job: The Welfare Implications of Employment Protection for Older Workers Todd Morris and Benoit Dostie
WP #61 Are Immigrants Particularly Entrepreneurial? Policy Lessons from a Selective Immigration System David A. Green, Huju Liu, Yuri Ostrovsky, and Garnett Picot
WP #60 Keep Me In, Coach: The Short- and Long-Term Effects of Targeted Academic Coaching Serena Canaan, Stefanie Fischer, Pierre Mouganie, and Geoffrey C. Schnorr
WP #59 The Minimum Wage, Turnover, and the Shape of the Wage Distribution Pierre Brochu, David A. Green, Thomas Lemieux, and James Townsend
WP #58 The Economics of Canadian Immigration Levels Matthew Doyle, Mikal Skuterud, and Christopher Worswick
WP #57 Research on Labour Market Impacts of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program Miguel Cardoso, Michael Haan, Federico Lambardo, and Yoko Yoshida
WP #56 The Changing Value of Employment and Its Implications Davide Alonzo and Giovanni Gallipoli
WP #55 Race and the Income-Achievement Gap Ryan Bacic and Angela Zhang
WP #54 First to $15: Alberta’s Minimum Wage Policy on Employment by Wages, Ages, and Places, Sebastian Fossati and Joseph Marchand
WP #53 The Labor Market Returns to Unobserved Skills: Evidence from a Gender Quota, Safoura Moeeni and Feng Wei
WP #52 The Impact of Unions on Nonunion Wage Setting: Threats and Bargaining, David A. Green, Ben M. Sand, and Iain G. Snoddy
WP #51 The Effect of Reducing Welfare Access on Employment, Health, and Children’s Long-Run Outcomes, Jeffrey Hicks, Gaëlle Simard-Duplain, David A. Green, and William Warburton
WP #50 Native-Born-Immigrant Wage Gap Revisited: The Role of Market Imperfections in Canada, Yigit Aydede and Atul Dar
WP #49 Approaches To Learn About Employer Learning, Mahmut Ablay and Fabian Lange
WP #48 Immigrant Gaps in Parental Time Investments into Children’s Human Capital Activities, Ana Ferrer and Allison Mascella
WP #47 The Work Trajectories of Married Canadian Immigrant Women, 2006-2019, Ana Ferrer, Annie Pan, and Tammy Schirle
WP #46 The Long-Term Effects of Financial Aid and Career Education: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment, Laëtitia Renée
WP #45 The Long-Run Effects of Parental Unemployment in Childhood, James Ugoccioni
WP #44 Beyond Lost Earnings: The Long-Term Impact of Job Displacement on Workers’ Commuting Behavior, Yige Duan, Oskar Jost, and Ramona Jost
WP #43 Who Pays the Child Penalty? Evidence from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, Jamie Emery
WP #42 Spousal Labour Supply Adjustments to Extended Benefits Weeks: Evidence from Canada, Stephanie Lluis and Brian McCall
WP #41 Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the CARES Act on Earnings and Inequality, Matias Cortes and Eliza Forsythe
WP #40 The Heterogenous Labour Market Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Matias Cortes and Eliza Forsythe
WP #39 The Transformation of Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program, Ian O’Donnell and Mikal Skuterud
WP #38 Survey Non-response in Covid-19 Times: The Case of the Labour Force Survey, Pierre Brochu and Jonathan Crechet
WP #37 Canadian Labour Market Dynamics during COVID-19, Stephen Jones, Fabian Lange, W. Craig Riddell and Casey Warman
WP #36 Welfare versus Work under a Negative Income Tax: Evidence from the Gary, Seattle, Denver and Manitoba Income Maintenance Experiments, Chris Riddell and W. Craig Riddell
WP #35 Innovative Ideas and Gender Inequality, Marlene Koffi
WP #34 Endogenous Learning, Persistent Employer Biases, and Discrimination, Louis-Pierre LePage
WP #33 The Intergenerational Effects of Economic Sanctions, Safoura Moeeni
WP #32 Labour Market Flows and Worker Trajectories in Canada during COVID-19 Pierre Brochu, Jonathan Créchet and Zechuan Deng
WP #31 Automation and Reallocation: The Lasting Legacy of COVID-19 in Canada, J. Blit
WP #30 Is Increasing Productivity COVID-19’s Silver Lining?, J. Blit
WP #29 Labour Market Policies in a Roy-Rosen Bargaining Economy, H. Jales and Z. Yu
WP #28 Waiting for Recovery: The Canadian Labour Market in June 2020, S. Jones, F. Lange, C. Riddell and C. Warman
WP #27 Covid-19, Family Stress and Domestic Violence: Remote Work, Isolation and Bargaining Power, LP. Beland, A. Brodeur, J. Haddad and D. Mikola
WP #26 Initial Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Canadian Labour Market, T. Lemieux, K. Milligan, T. Schirle and M. Skuterud.
WP #25 Labor Markets in Crisis: The Causal Impact of Canada’s COVD-19 Economic Shutdown on Hours Worked for Workers Across the Earnings Distribution K. Koebel and D. Pohler
WP #24 Endogenous Learning and the Persistence of Employer Biases in the Labour Market, L.P. Lepage
WP #23 Effects of Public-School Choice on Private Schools: Evidence from Open Enrollment Reform, R. Cohn
WP #22 The Great Depression and the Rise of Female Employment: A New Hypothesis, A. Bellow and E. Cardia
WP #21 Household Responses to Disability Shocks: Spousal Labor Supply, Caregiving, and Disability Insurance, S. Lee
WP #20 Strategic Self-Employment and Family Formation, N. Lloyd
WP #19 Caught in the Cycle: Economic Conditions at Enrollment and Labor Market Outcomes of College Graduates, A. Bicakova, M. Cortes and J. Mazza
WP #18 Descriptive labor market outcomes of immigrant women across Europe, A. Adsera, A. Ferrer and V. Herranz
WP #17 How Skills and Parental Valuation of Education Influence Human Capital Acquisition and Early Labor Market Return to Human Capital in Canada , Michael J. Kottelenberg and Steven F. Lehrer
WP #16 Family Structure and Child Cognitive Outcomes: Evidence from Canadian Longitudinal Data, Ana Ferrer and Yazhuo Pan
WP #15 The Effectiveness of Consumption Tax on the Reduction of Car Pollution in China , Andres Arcila, Tao Chen and Xiaolan Lu
WP #14 Identifying the value of Teamwork: Application to Professional Tennis, Kevin Devereux
WP #13 Unemployment, Marginal Attachment and Labor Force Participation in Canada and the United States, Stephen Jones, and Craig Riddell
WP #12 Immigration and Innovation: Evidence from Canadian Cities, Joel Blit, Mikal Skuterud and Jue Zhang
WP #11 The Relative Labour Market Performance of Former International Students: Evidence from the Canadian National Graduate Survey, Zong Jia Chen and Mikal Skuterud
WP #10 Is There a Tradeoff Between Ethnic Diversity and Redistribution? The Case of Income Assistance in Canada, David Green and Craig Riddell
WP #9 Part-Time Work and Crowding-Out Implications of Employment Insurance Pilot Initiatives, Stephanie Lluis and Brian McCall
WP #8 The Gender Gap in University Participation: What Role Do Skills and Parents Play?, Kelly Foley
WP #7 The Effect of House Prices on Fertility: Evidence from Canada, Jeremy Clark and Ana Ferrer
WP #6 Temporary Foreign Workers and Firms: Theory and Canadian Evidence, Pierre Brochu, Till Gross and Christopher Worswick
WP #5 The Consequences of Academic Match between Students and Colleges, Eleanor Dillon and Jeffrey Smith
WP #4 Field of Study and the Decision to Delay University, Kelly Foley and Fane Groes
WP #3 Adverse selection in the labour market and the demand for vocational education, Sonja Chen
WP #2 Evaluation of Optimal Unemployment Insurance with Reemployment Bonuses Using Regression Discontinuity, Po-Chun Huang and Tzu-Ting Yang
WP #1 Speeding Up For a Son? Fertility Transitions among Asian Migrants to Canada, Alicia Adsera and Ana Ferrer